Here is the contest:
Build an invention for Cybiko. It has gotta be simple like a solar powered charger or something like that. It has to make the Cybiko better and has to be orignal and has to cost under 15 dollars to make. It doesn't have to actually be made though just and idea. Look below for ways to express it.
Here are your choices:
1) Build a Model and Take a picture of it and send the pic to us. (It doens't have to work)
2) Make a computer or hand drawing and send it to us.
3) Or anyother way that you think you can express yourself.
The judging:
1) Items will be judged on presention
2) Design
3) Originality
The Prize
The prize will be for us to build the thing that you built FOR REAL. We will make it work and will send it to you for FREE. So you guys are kinda builing the blueprints.
Contest ends on the 1st of June all entries must be in by this time. Winner will be announced soon after.
Remember Creativity wins so Flash is welcome anything that you can do it welcome if you have questions email me.