The Cybiko games seem to be getting worse and worse. According to some recent messages on the Cyboards. Most of Cybiko is going down hill lately. They had there time a little while back when they were doing good, but lately they have been making false promises , making horrible games and so on. I sent an email to Cybiko regarding something about my cybiko (It had a system error) and they haven't responded back. (this was 6 weeks ago) I ended up calling 1877-4-Cybiko and I still waited on the line for around an hour before the guy told me I had to send my Cybiko in for repair.
Also I still didn't get my MP3 player, but Cybiko had the nerve to send me a letter saying we can not honor your request because I entered in the wrong coupon code. And I was fine with that. I mean it would have been ok if they gave me more then one day to send the correct coupon code in. On the letter it said "You have entered an invalid Coupon Code Enter the correct one and send it in by March 28, 2001" Uh ya this was yesterday. Anyway CYbiko better shape up or I don't know what will happen.
Anyway Tell me What you think